Let’s deal with the unscriptural religious philosophies that WILL LEAVE you broke and begging, shall we?

If you would be honest, then you would agree that…

You know a lot of Christians who have done everything right by the book within their power but wealth keeps eluding them.

Firstly, they never miss a service no matter how tedious their day.

They are prayer warriors, and bible scholars.

They struggle but never miss paying their tithes and offering even if it costs them their next meal or transportation home.

They can prophecy heaven on earth and when it comes to the things of the spirit, they don’t joke with it –

Every bad thing that happens to them is an attack from the “enemy”.

They give voluntarily to church projects whenever they have, no matter how little it is.

They are actively involved in almost all the church activities and love to volunteer for positions in the church.

…but wealth keeps eluding them.

Does the above describe you or someone you know?

Dear Christian,

Wealth is a virtue.

It’s also a virtue to be poor.

Jesus Christ actually wants you to be wealthy and it’s written all over the scriptures.

Would you like to learn what exactly you can do to become a Christian Multi-millionaire while maintaining your love and right standing with God.

If you read this till the end, I am going to show you exactly how you can become a wealthy Christian, just like God would have it.

But before I go on to show you these 3 secrets, it is only fair that I tell you who I am, right?

My name is Temi Ajibewa, a Christian and a Life and Business Coach. I’ve been an entrepreneur for the past 16 years of my life and in the past 7 years, I have helped hundreds of believers go from regular and struggling to living a life of financial ease by ditching their limiting beliefs and deploying their natural abilities.

I know surely that as a believer, you have these two (2) scriptures at your fingertips when you think about having massive wealth like Elon Musk or Bill Gates.


[Matthew 19: 24, Mark 10: 25, Luke 18:25]: For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.



[1 Timothy 6:10]: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

You can even recite the Parable of The Rich Man who went to hell and poor Lazarus who went to heaven, without missing a line.

But you forgot…


[Deuteronomy 8:18]: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.


[3 John 1:2]: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

This could only mean one thing which is:

Your bias and misunderstanding of the scripture has altered your mindset toward wealth and ultimately, limited your ability to attract wealth.

The fault is not with God, it’s with you.

God has blessed you with wealth but you have not built the right mindset enough to receive it.

When I say wealth, I mean riches more than you could ever imagine.

And if you don’t believe me, that’s exactly why you need help!

Seeing that you are a reflection of your beliefs, your mindsets, your disposition, and your philosophies,

I have found the best way to reconstruct all of these and give you a mindset that would change your life and attract massive wealth into your life in less than 6 months.

Yes, six months!

Imagine being able to provide the best for your family;

Imagine your children living in a safe and healthy neighbourhood where they are able to have healthy experiences and relationships.

Imagine your children being exposed to the mindset and lifestyle of the rich even as believers.

Imagine your children in the best schools for a quality education.

Imagine being able to spend some quality time with your spouse without being under pressure to make money. How happy and grateful would they be?

Imagine being able to sponsor the gospel in your own way single-handedly, ensuring that missionaries and outreaches never lack what they need to be successful in their missions.

Imagine being able to contribute meaningfully to the projects in your local church and in the community.

Imagine paying your tithe in 7 figures monthly!

All of these are very POSSIBLE!

But it begins with a mind shift.

And that is why I have penned down everything you need to achieve this mind shift and start living the luxurious God-life here on earth.

In the chapters of this book, titled YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU BROKE, you would find the godly ways to make unimaginable wealth for yourself and learn:

With this book, you would finally smash those self-limiting mindsets and install new wealth-attracting ones.

There is so much untapped potential inside you that can help you to not only change your story but, make impact on the lives of millions of people. The secret to breaking all those limiting beliefs and start living the wealthy life you deserve is within the pages of this book.


There are 13 million out-of-school children in Nigeria and that 50% of them are girls from low-income families? 

THIS IS WHY… 50% of all proceeds from this book will be going into helping to send young kids to school at KNOSK EDUCATION. BE A PART OF THIS!


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There are 13 million out-of-school children in Nigeria and that 50% of them are girls from low-income families? 

THIS IS WHY… 50% of all proceeds from this book will be going into helping to send young kids to school at KNOSK EDUCATION. SUPPORT US!

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Applying all the principles in this book can marvellously change your life in 6 months or less! If it doesn’t happen you can ask for a complete refund and I will give you your money back with an apology.